Raising Goats

“Goat” is the common name for any of a number of species of ruminant,...

Warning: Old Goats Stay Away! We want you to make this the most way-cool goat page...

You call your vet about a problem in that ” lumpy area behind the front leg,”...

General The goat has long been a visual aid in symbolic and mythological literature...
Read More Posts From This CategoryGoat Breeds

About Fiber Goats All goats have hair, but the hair of Angora and Cashmere...

American Boer Goats The American Boer Goat is one of the hardiest of all livestock...

American Dairy Goat Breed Description The Toggenburg is a Swiss dairy goat from...

American Dairy Goat Breed Description The Saanen dairy goat originated in Switzerland....
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“Goat” is the common name for any of a number of species of ruminant, cloven-hoofed, horned animals constituting the genus Capra of the family Bovidae. They are of the sub-order Ruminant because they have a four-part stomach and chew their cud, much like a cow or deer. The female, or ” doe,” usually has smaller horns than... [Read more of this review]

General The goat has long been a visual aid in symbolic and mythological literature and stories. It has a varied significance: gentleness in one tradition and sensuality in another. Both sexes of the goat symbolize fertility, vitality and ceaseless energy. The he-goat (buck) is the epitome of masculine virility and creative energy, while the female... [Read more of this review]
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